
Elevator maintenance, review and auditing

We all expect a lot from a property’s vertical transportation services. In some cases they are required to operate 24 hours per day 7 days per week. No one notices an elevator system that is doing its job correctly, it’s expected

But the moment an elevator breaks down it becomes a priority issue for any property. Foot traffic becomes hampered, goods can’t be delivered – and some unlucky people may be trapped and forced to wait inside the elevator, possibly leading to further complications

Put simply, effective and optimised comprehensive preventative elevator maintenance keeps your equipment running reliably, smoothly and safely – to meet your OH&S requirements as your customers expect. It also guards against large unexpected repair bills, and/or extended down time that can escalate without preventative works.

Whitfield Rose vertical transportation maintenance documentation

Whitfield Rose provides a range of tailored services for smaller individual sites or large national portfolios designed to optimise the Vertical Transportation performance, availability and safety. We provide performance based comprehensive maintenance agreements, which include plant maintenance schedules and equipment performance and reliability KPIs specifically tailored to suit your needs. This enables the quality of maintenance to be monitored and managed to maintain and maximise the property’s capital value.

Whitfield Rose vertical transportation review and auditing

Whitfield Rose provides a range of review services designed to optimise the Vertical Transportation performance, establish the relative condition, adjustment, lubrication, housekeeping, availability and safety and statutory compliance of the Vertical Transportation system.

Following each site inspection, you will receive an easy to understand report, written in clear English and free from technical language. Our maintenance review and audit reports will provide recommendations, priorities, times and costs (if applicable) matched to your equipment. We can also post these reports on our secure web portal, allowing you instant and ongoing access archive.

Let’s chat

In addition to maintenance consulting services, Whitfield Rose also provides new build and upgrade modernisation designs for all vertical transportation solutions. We can work with you to ensure your newly completed solution maintains its reliability.

For a no obligation chat about your project, contact us.